ICC Award 2019


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TATA CHEMICALS LIMITED is a part of US$ 113 billion Tata Group. Tata Chemicals is a globally leading multinational company and presence spread over in 40+ countries. The company is a leading manufacturer of Soda Ash and Sodium Bicarbonate and is ranking top at 25 India's most innovative companies.

Tata Chemicals is a Responsible Care Committed Company and also a Responsible Care Logo holder.

The company has developed indigenously a performance material "Nano Zinc Oxide" at its Innovative Centre, Pune. The preparation of "Nano Zinc Oxide" particles is patented nationally and internationally (India, Japan, Europe, Australia, Canada, Korea, USA). It produces both industrial and cosmetic "Nano Zinc Oxide" that goes into the applications like cosmetic, paints, consumer products, plastics across India. During Covid-19 pandemic situation, it has supplied more than 100 kgs. of "Nano Zinc Oxide" for face masks owing to its antimicrobial properties. The Company has achieved zero customer complaints.

The following properties has made the Product Versatile:

  • Unique manufacturing process makes it free from heavy metal impurities and easy to disperse
  • it can be made compatible with both hydrophilic and hydrophobic media applications
  • It is a transparent broad band UV blocker that blocks UVA (400 -320 nm), UVB (320 - 280 nm) and UVC (280 - 200 nm)
  • It prevents sunlight from fading away painted wall, also provides high scratch hardness, helping paints to resist scratches

In recognition of this process developed indigenously for Nano Zinc Oxide, the Indian Chemical Council is pleased to confer the ICC ACHARYA P. C. RAY AWARD FOR DEVELOPMENT OF INDIGENOUS TECHNOLOGY for the year 2019 on TATA CHEMICALS LTD.


ICC Award 2019


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SRF LIMITED, manufacturers of Refrigerant Gases is one of the largest players in the country having a domestic market share of more than 40 per cent. SRF has managed to achieve zero major accident since last 18 years. The company has implemented all types of certifications to minimize injuries and losses. It has well written SOPs, formats, checklists and annexures on EHS. Depending upon the work type area, a well-defined process of training and certification of all employees and contract workers is being implemented. There is 100 per cent coverage of contract workers on health and safety trainings. The company's EHS model has a strong base having focus on systems, designs and focus on people along with environment protection which leads to the sustainable business. Sustainability report is being published since 2007.

SRF Limited is a Responsible Care Logo holding company since 2006.

In SRF, HIRA has been conducted for all the activities and being reviewed from time to time, i.e. after any injury occurred, any new modification and for all activities once in a year. HAZOP is being conducted for all the processes i.e. after any modification and new processes. SOP is available in this regard.QRA is being conducted from time to time (QRA for Chlorine storage, AHF (Anhydrous Hydrofluoric Acid) storage and Flammable (Class- A) material storage is already conducted and all the recommendations have been implemented. SOPs are available for all. LOPA (layer of protection analysis) have been conducted for selected processes.

Work area monitoring for hazardous substances is done on regular basis. Personal sampler also provided at selected hazardous areas e.g. Cl handling & AHF handling areas. Chemicals Drums are stored under sheds 2 along with all safety precautions e.g. Smoke detectors, leak detectors, sprinkler systems, CCTV, Fire extinguishers, emergency exit, Safety Instructions etc. All other chemicals are being stored under PESO approved areas having all the safety precautions e.g. Safety relief valve, Rupture disc, Dykes, Sprinkler systems sensors, fire extinguishers, safety showers, safety instructions boards etc.

SRF, Alwar has a well-equipped OHC and a well defined health policy, First Aid and Causality Handling Policy. Well written SOPs are available for Industrial hygiene, Emergency handling and incident investigations, transportation emergency, labeling of hazardous substances etc.

In recognition of the above, Indian Chemical Council is pleased to confer the ICC AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN MANAGEMENT OF HEALTH & SAFETY for the year 2019 on SRF LIMITED, Alwar, Rajasthan.


ICC Award 2019



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INDIAN ADDITIVES LIMITED (IAL), a joint venture company of Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL) and Chevron Oronite Company LL, USA is one of the leading manufacturers of lubricating oil additives in India. Due to strong focus on health and safety, it has clocked 5.4 million incident free man-hours as on date. It has also received various national and state level awards on safety. Under its Manage safe work gap assessment for various critical processes, contractor safety management, improvement in transport standards, SAP enable work permit system, verification and validation process for safety systems is followed.

Indian Additives Limited is a Responsible Care Logo holding company.

At IAL Operational Excellence Management System guided by Chevron Oronite is initiated to Management System Processes (MSP). The dedicated team for Process Safety & Risk Management (PSRM), Plant reliability & Management of Change (MOC), formation of OELT (Operational Excellence Leadership Team), Contractor Incubation Centre to foster safety culture for contract workers, drivers' skill enhancement, Risk based additional PPEs, use of RFID (Radio Frequency) technology to track human movement in H2S prone area, CCTV based safety surveillance programs, Incident Investigation competency building through Global IIR Advisor etc are some of the other initiatives followed at IAL.

Employees regularly participate in Cross Functional Team inspections & audits, work permit audits, safety committee, mock drills & fire drills, Hazard identification / PHA / HAZOP / PSSR / MOC / Process safety / PSRS, risk assessment (routine and non-routine functions), CSB reporting / SWA / Near miss reporting / suggestions / positive reinforcements like spot awards, star awards, Pep talks etc.Periodic wellness trainings on diet management, weight management, kidney stone prevention, diabetes control etc. are imparted to employees and contractors. IAL has well defined system of medical checkup for different age groups and also depending on the hazard areas working. Strong emphasis is given on training programs covering all, with focus given to work at height, confined space, LOTOTO, First aid, Fire& Rescue, Acid & Alkali exposure treatment, Scaffolding erection & inspection, Theme of the Month, Electrical Safety, Contractor Safety, Welding & Gas cutting, Fire watcher, Standby Man, Process Safety, Risk Assessment, Risk Ranking, PSRS, PSSR. Contract workforce competency is developed trade-wise. For creating awareness exhibitions, road shows, competitions, creating writing, skits, contest and pledges are undertaken.

In recognition of the above, Indian Chemical Council is pleased to confer the ICC CERTIFICATE OF MERIT FOR EXCELLENCE IN MANAGEMENT OF HEALTH & SAFETY for the year 2019 on INDIAN ADDITIVES LIMITED, Manali, Tamilnadu.


ICC Award 2019


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TAGROS CHEMICALS INDIA PVT. LTD., is manufacturing synthetic Pyrethroids, Insecticides, fungicides, intermediates, veterinary Technical & related formulation Products. The Company is a recipient of many awards under various categories from different associations and state government.

Tagros Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. is a Responsible Care Logo holder company.

As a good practices in health and safety, visitor's preliminary health checkup is conducted for all those who visit the safety zone area. Health condition of the person is assured by OHC before entering into confined space. Safety culture is imbibed in employee by announcing safety slogan every half an hour through public announcement system. For emergency communications also public announcement systems us used to avoid time lag. Every Wednesday training programmes are being organized for contract employees. Software based approach is followed for accident/incident/near miss investigations.

Employees are motivated through participation in various programmes, events and consultations. Various awards have been constitutes such as Best PPE Wearing Person Award, Best Contract Labour Award, Best Housekeeping Person Award, Best Contractor Award etc. To ensure a safe and comfortable work atmosphere, Tagros follows the systems of scheduled periodical in-house and external trainings, induction training, HAZOP study, Safety Integrity Level (SIL), LOPA, JSA, HZ area classification, Transport Safety Audit, PSSR, weekly / monthly inspections, Thermo graphic study, HIRA, cross functional safety audit, external safety audit, work place monitoring study etc. At Tagros, VOC monitoring is done at various locations once in day time and night time and analysis is being recorded, documented and maintained under daily frequency. Various types of sensor such as for HCL, SO , 2 chlorine, bromine, hydrocarbons etc are provided and most of the sensors are connected to CPCB and TNPCB website for continuous monitoring. The unit has managed to cover all the company and contract employees on health and safety related trainings in the last three years.

A well equipped OHC operates round the clock. All the employees including contract employees undergo periodic medical checkup and health records are maintained well. Special checkup and examinations are also conducted based on the exposure to chemicals and for persons working in the hazardous areas. GHS format labels are used for hazard communication.

In recognition of the above, Indian Chemical Council is pleased to confer the ICC AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN MANAGEMENT OF HEALTH & SAFETY for the year 2019 on TAGROS CHEMICALS INDIA PVT. LTD., Cuddalore, Tamilnadu.


ICC Award 2019


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LANXESS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED is engaged in the manufacture of speciality chemicals including lubricant additives, polymer additives etc. Lanxess India has manufacturing sites at Jhagadia in Gujarat and Nagda in Madhya Pradesh. Lanxess India has plans to achieve climate-neutrality by 2023 by setting many internal targets to reduce emissions, use of renewable energy, upgradation of technology etc. Annual targets for reduction of emissions (CO emission, VOC emission, water usage etc.) are available 2 publically through Annual Sustainability Report.

Lanxess India is a Responsible Care Committed Company and is also a Responsible Care Logo holder. The company is an active user of the Nicer Globe Platform of ICC.

Currently, the Nagda site is 57 percent climate neutral and is a zero liquid discharge facility. It is treating 2,000cum/day of sewage water from Grasim colony and using the recovered water in the process. The unit is treating the discharge from ETP in a post-treatment reverse osmosis unit and evaporator plant and water recovered is re-used for production processes. Condensate from stream traps is recovered and the condensate is recycled as boiler-fed water.

The hazards are identified and addresses through product life cycle analysis and the company maintains 16 point GHS compliant MSDS for all the products which are shared with all the customers. All the products of Lanxess India are REACH registered.

The reduction of emissions achieved by Lanxess's Nagda site includes carbon emission reduction by 62 per cent (tCO per ton of product), emission reduction tCO per shipment due to shipment from road to rail 2 2 transport, cutting VOC emission by 16 percent by end of the year 2019. The cogeneration plant generates around 3.95 MW power and 45 TPH steam using carbon neutral biomass fuel, leading to saving of about 70,000 MT coal and thus saves 95,000 tons of CO equivalent emission per year. It operates at Biomass : 2 Coal:: 95:5 against design of 80:20. The Nagda site is also setting up sludge dryer that will reduce the solid waste from 1500 MT to 525 MT by reducing approximately 65% moisture reduction.

In recognition of the above, Indian Chemical Council is pleased to confer the ICC AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN MANAGEMENT OF ENVIRONMENT for the year 2019 on LANXESS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED, Nagda, Madhya Pradesh.


ICC Award 2019


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EXCEL INDUSTRIES LIMITED is engaged in the manufacture of agrochemical intermediates, specialty chemicals, polymer and pharmaceutical intermediates etc. The company handles hazardous chemicals as raw materials like chlorine, yellow phosphorus, ethanol, methanol, sulphuric acid at its site. Its processes are hazardous in nature and the generated waste water streams are effectively treated in ETP, with MEE followed by ATFD.

Excel Industries Limited is a Responsible Care Logo holding company.

The company has developed in-house cleaning facility of ISO tankers and treat the waste water at ETP. It has replaced dewatering unit with automated filter press for solid sludge separation thereby reducing the moisture content of the wet cake from 70 to 50 per cent. The new acoustic based generator replaced the old generators to reduce the noise levels below 90db at workplace.

To ensure 100% seepage-free drainage, deraken lining of waste water drainage lines is done. Epoxy screen lining of tank farms in plant areas prevents the soil and ground water contamination. The provision of Ucret flooring for totebin storage area at P2S5 handling zone was done to make flooring 100% impervious. Above ground tanks have been installed for collection of waste water streams. It has also developed the process to recycle and use the impure sulphur generated during the process.

The site has introduced new PLC+HMI based panel in ETP plant for automatic control of three neutralizers resulting in effective neutralization, improved settling of solids and clear supernatant from primary settling to equalization tank. All tankers of hazardous consignments such as DETC, PCI3 are tracked using Nicer Globe during transportation. All the sensitive areas of the plant are monitored by CCTV as a proactive approach. The processes have been upgraded to automated PLC and SCADA based operations. Provisions are made for multiple interlock in processes, online gas detectors are installed at workplace. Excel Industries have developed a zero effluent discharge process to convert a high TDS waste stream to a raw material leading to no TDS, no discharge. The by-product is now sold in the market. The company is complying with all the stipulated condition and norms of emissions and effluent discharge.

In recognition of the above, Indian Chemical Council is pleased to confer the ICC AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN MANAGEMENT OF ENVIRONMENT for the year 2019 on EXCEL INDUSTRIES LIMITED, Roha, Maharashtra.


ICC Award 2019


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LAXMI ORGANIC INDUSTRIES LIMITED was established with state-of-the-art plants at Mahad, Maharashtra with nominal capacities in acetic acid, acetaldehyde, acetic anhydride and ethyl acetate (ETAC). In 2004, Laxmi Organic got certification for ISO 9001-2000 and installed 2.5MW windmills. In the year 2008, ETAC was expanded to 50kT (Distillery operation). In 2009, the company started manufacture of a Speciality Intermediate (SI) and its derivatives, got certified for ISO 14001 & 18001; and in another two years installed DSIR approved R&D Centre & SAP.

By 2012, SI capacity doubled, and the basic products touched 100kT with 2nd distillery; and 7MW captive hydro power plant (CPP) was installed. Captive hydro power availability/ generation being priority for assured operational reliability and capacity sustenance, and facilitate controlled use of fossil fuels, renewable source of power was banked upon. Continuing with greater R&D effort, 2nd Centre was instituted at Rabale. By 2019, the company embarked on increasing basic chemicals capacity to 160kT, and SI capacity to 50kT. During the current year, the efforts and the facilities have been largely consolidated/ integrated investing more in specialty intermediates.

The in-plant waste sludge and waste gas were utilized as fuel in fired heaters/ Boilers and captive hydro power plant saving equivalent coal. Heat exchangers were networked to increase heat transfer efficiency, saving thermal and refrigeration load. During last three years the energy conservation projects installed at the cost of Rs 28 Crores, paid back Rs 14 Crores. Utilization of renewable energy resources amounts to a share in the energy slate by 11%, planning to a larger share of up to 17%. Management has invested more than 6% on turnover as capital on energy/innovation projects implemented in last two years. Total waste fuel amounts to 2164 tons as utilized now, projected at 2957 tpa, thereby replacing as much coal.

Savings in Electrical/ Thermal Projects/ Actions Implemented - for the year 2018-19

Power saved GJ Power saved MTOE Thermal (Coal) saved MT Coal saved MTOE Total saved MTOE
8660 207 3885 1943 2149

Utilization of Waste Fuels - for the year 2018-19

Waste fuel in MT Waste fuel MTOE Waste gas, M3 Waste Gas MTOE
8660 1045 436022 170


Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) for the year 2018-19 1249

In recognition of the above achievements, Indian Chemical Council is pleased to confer the ICC AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN ENERGY CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT for the year 2019 on LAXMI ORGANIC INDUSTRIES LIMITED, Mahad, Maharashtra.


ICC Award 2019


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LAXNESS INDIA PVT. LTD. was established in the year 2004. The company has manufacturing facilities at Jhagadia (Gujarat) and Nagda (Madhya Pradesh). The company manufactures Advance Intermediates, Engineering Materials, Speciality Additives and Speciality Chemicals.

Laxness India Pvt. Ltd. is a Responsible Care Committed Company and also a Responsible Care Logo holder. The company is an active user of the Nicer Globe Platform of ICC.

The Company has an excellent HR Policy, Performance Management and Promotion Process. The entire process is automated and captured in the HR system - myHR.

Lanxess India has 858 staff members, besides 1134 Workmen on contract basis; 87 female employees; 868 skilled employees and 122 Management Staff. The company has an annual wage bill of more than Rs.100 crores.

The Company gives Cash Benefits as well as Non-Cash Benefits.

Cash Benefits include Superannuation, House Loan Subsidy, Vehicle Loan Subsidy, Multipurpose Loan, Long-Term Stock Performance Plan for Specific Grade, Individual Performance Payment, Special Performance Reward, Annual Performance Pay.

Non Cash Benefits include Accommodation at specific location, Care lease for specific grades, Canteen facility, Insurances, Bus facility, Long Service Award, Assistance for Post Graduate Management Education, Employee Children Reward for Academic Achievements.

Laxness India carries out annual medical check-up for Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Eye Sight, Obesity, Chest, Asthma, Skin Allergies etc.

Vision 360 - Compliance Tool is used for tracking the compliances and their timelines & yearly compliance audit is conducted to check health of compliances for the Company.

No service bond is insisted from its employees. IPR protection clause is included in the Code of Conduct. IPR clause is covered in the Employee Appointment letter.

The company has Robust Performance Management System. The Annual performance review is called Performance Dialogue. Performance is captured on 2 parameters: (1) Business Achievement (KPI) (2) Sustainability (Ways of doing business). Every year the company uses Performance and Potential Grid as a part of the Performance Management Process. Employee Satisfaction Survey was conducted in 2018 by Lanxess Global. For external training, 150 staff members were deputed.

In recognition of the above, Indian Chemical Council is pleased to confer the ICC AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN CHEMICAL INDUSTRY for the year 2019 on LANXESS INDIA PRIVATE LTD.


ICC Award 2019


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Astec LifeSciences Limited is a public limited company established in 1994 and has manufacturing facilities at Dombivli and Mahad in the State of Maharashtra. The company manufactures a wide range of Agrochemical Active Ingredients and Pharmaceutical Intermediates. The company is subsidiary of Godrej Agrovet Limited.

Astec LifeSciences is a Responsible Care Committed Company and also a Responsible Care Logo holder. The company has an HR policy which is reviewed annually. Astec has six core values - Trust, Create Delight, Go Big, Own it, Be Humble and Show Respects. One of the features of the policy is that attendance is not monitored rather output is evaluated.

Opportunities are available to employees to apply for any role in different businesses in Godrej Group like FMCG, Real Estate, Chemicals, Agrochemicals, Housing Finance, Fund Management in 18 countries.

Astec LifeSciences has 570 staff members, besides 258 Workmen on contract basis and 16 female employees. It has an annual wage bill of less than 50 crores.

The company has provided all the facilities as per the legal requirements such as Bonus, Provident Fund, Gratuity, ESIC, Exgratia, Petrol Reimbursement, Company Car Scheme, Trust Based Medical Leave Policy etc. Legal compliances are monitored through Lexcare - which is a prominent service provider in legal and regulatory compliances .

Astec has a facility for carry forward Leaves, Sick Leave, Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave, Diversity and Anti discrimination, Prevention of Sexual Harrasement, Whistle Blower Policy and Performance Management System. Leave records are maintained manually and electronically. Medical check up of employees are carried out annually for Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Eye Sight, Chest, Skin Allergies, Possibility / Risk of Epilepsy disorder.

Employees' performance is benchmarked with the best companies in the Agrochemical Sector and is done with AON Hewitt and Tower and Wattson.

Excellent training facilities are provided, Skill matrix for each individual is done and training needs are identified at Astec. The Company has deputed 175 staff members for external trainings conducted by variuous agencies on subjects like BBS etc.

In recognition of the above, Indian Chemical Council is pleased to confer the ICC AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN CHEMICAL INDUSTRY for the year 2019 on ASTEC LIFESCIENCES LIMITED.


ICC Award 2019


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Clariant Chemicals (India) Ltd. was established in the year 1957. Clariant in India is having 4 manufacturing sites and regional headquarters under 3 active businesses verticals of Pigments, Additives and Industrial & Consumer Specialties. Clariant Chemicals (India) Ltd. is Responsible Care (RC) Logo holder since August 2003 and until now completed 3 RC assessments.

Responsible Care is integral part of company's business operations. Company believes that RC has created a value for business, customers and the communities around manufacturing facilities. High standards are maintained in the company during the operational life cycle of facilities with an effective management of change. New processes or any new modifications introduced at the manufacturing sites goes through a risk assessment process using standard risk assessment tools and are tracked till completion. The company has no fatality reported in last three years and Lost Time Injuries Frequency Rate is on reducing trend.

The safety of employees' is a prime responsibility, to achieve it strict implementation of PPE Rule, regular safety and health trainings and concept of work safely in employee's mindsets carries out through a program called AvoidingAccidents@Clariant. Sites have implemented Safety deviation reporting, Safety Suggestion scheme and safety campaigns where employees and contractors are encouraged to participate and are rewarded.

Clariant has implemented waste reduction at source mechanism. Emphasis is given to use renewable energy. The company has entered into agreement to use maximum renewable energy. Clariant is listed in Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) since last 7 years. Clariant also records reduction achieved against targeted reduction. Since last three years SOx, NOx and COD generation are on reducing trend while production is on increasing trend.

An Emergency Management Plan is active to mitigate emergencies. Emergency drills of risk scenarios carries periodically and analyzed gaps are filled and reviewed through audit mechanism. Clariant has a well-defined mechanism to reach out to all its stakeholders such as external fire brigade, police, government authorities and the community through various CSR initiatives.

Clariant has conducted Journey Risk Assessment (JRA) of Dangerous Goods, defined risk reduction measures and discuss with service providers and implement the same. The company is an active user of Nicer Globe platform of ICC for tracking of hazardous chemical transportation. Drivers are trained periodically on the hazards of chemicals and go through a safety orientation through video which is shown to all drivers entering the site. Clariant has nominated a Transport Safety advisor, who is responsible for safe handling and transportation at the Site and at Country level. Products are analyzed for safety of its usage throughout the entire life cycle to employees, customers, public and the environment. Product Approval Request for ensuring all products safety information such as MSDS, GHS Classification, Packaging & Labelling requirements etc. before it is approved for manufacture at the company's sites.

In recognition of the above, Indian Chemical Council is pleased to confer the ICC ADITYA BIRLA AWARD FOR BEST RESPONSIBLE CARE COMMITTED COMPANY for the year 2019 on CLARIANT CHEMICALS (INDIA) LIMITED.


ICC Award 2019



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Bayer Vapi Pvt. Ltd., established in the year 1990, is engaged in the manufacture of Active Ingredients and its Intermediates for use in wide array of crop protection, animal health as well as home and garden applications. The facility is also the single largest Synthetic Pyrethroids production site in the world.

Bayer Vapi Pvt. Ltd. is a Responsible Care Logo holding company.

Bayer Vapi believes that sustainability and economy must go hand-in-hand. Environment protection is one of the key elements of sustainable goals. Knowing this, Bayer Vapi proactively works towards implementing initiatives to balance both environmental and business needs of the company and community. The site has full-fledged environmental management system and technologies to mitigate environmental challenges arising due to daily operations. The top management is committed towards environmental sustainability, considering which various policies have been adopted such as Environmental policy, Energy policy and Responsible Care policy.

A proactive approach is in place for reducing the environmental impacts which specifically implies to CO footprints, VOC emissions and ODS. The site follows 4R (Reduce, Recycle, Reuse and 2 Recover) principle in their operations. The company sets environmental targets and tracks its performance at regular intervals through management review meetings.

The last three years environmental footprint suggest that SOx, NOx, CO, CO and COD generation 2 are on reducing trend while production is on increasing trend. The site also supports students, surrounding industries, Industry Associations, etc. by sharing best practices of pollution prevention.

In recognition of the above, Indian Chemical Council is please to confer the ICC CERTIFICATE OF MERIT for Best Compliant company for POLLUTION PREVENTION CODE under Responsible Care for the year 2019 on BAYER VAPI PVT. LTD.


ICC Award 2019



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DEEPAK NITRITE LIMITED, established in the year 1970 operates at 4 manufacturing locations viz. Nandesari, Dahej, Roha, Taloja and Hyderabad. The company is engaged in the manufacture of inorganic and organic chemicals, intermediates & specialty chemicals and optical brightening agents. Deepak Nitrite Limited is a Responsible Care Logo holding company since October 2012.

The top management of the company is committed towards health & safety of employees, their well-being is in priority and safety always takes precedence over production. The company has an impeccable record on safety and completed more than 9 million accident free man-hours at one of the sites.

Employees regularly participate in various HSE training programs either in class room or in the field. Cross functional team members are involved in the daily safety round to capture unsafe act, unsafe conditions, incidents & accidents, and record it at HSE portal for learning, improvement and mitigation of incidents.

The company has introduced Behavior Based Safety program across all the sites and effectively monitored the performance through monthly corporate safety review meetings. Antidotes of all chemicals made available at respective site OHC and training imparted to employees.

In recognition of the above, Indian Chemical Council is pleased to confer the ICC CERTIFICATE OF MERIT for Best Compliant Company for EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE under Responsible Care for the year 2019 on DEEPAK NITRITE LIMITED.


ICC Award 2019



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BAYER VAPI PVT. LTD. established in the year 1990, is engaged in the manufacture of active ingredients for use in wide array of crop protection, animal health, home and garden applications. The facility is also the single largest Synthetic Pyrethroids production site in the world. Bayer Vapi Pvt. Ltd. is a Responsible Care Logo holding company.

Bayer Vapi believes that professional management of incidents and emergencies are crucial to minimize the impact on people and the environment. It also protects business continuity and company reputation. All employees and contractors are appropriately instructed in the actions to be taken in the event of an emergency while visitors are provided with safety induction through safety kiosk.

Adequate maintenance and testing procedures are in place for emergency relevant technical equipment. Fixed fire protection system is installed in critical units and two dedicated fire water collection ponds each of 3000 KL capacity to collect fire water in case of an emergency. The site is equipped with three firefighting tenders, two ambulances and 24*7 operational Occupational Health Center and Emergency Control Center. Public announcement system is installed in all the units for communication internally as well as during emergencies. CC surveillance monitoring systems is in place at all critical locations with a central monitoring station to identify any abnormal situation.

Emergency Preparedness Plans are reviewed and updated regularly, at least every two years or whenever there is a significant change in risk or personnel. The company conducts emergency response drills (e.g. firefighting/evacuation drills, etc.) to assess and improve the response effectiveness. Joint offsite emergency drills are conducted in collaboration with District Magistrate. The company extends emergency firefighting services to neighboring industries whenever support required. Lanxess has recorded zero fatality and Lost Time Injuries Frequency Rate in the last 3 years.

In recognition of the above, Indian Chemical Council is pleased to confer the ICC CERTIFICATE OF MERIT for Best Compliant Company for EMERGENCY RESPONSE CODE under Responsible Care for the year 2019 on BAYER VAPI PVT. LTD.


ICC Award 2019



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LANXESS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED, established in the year 2004, is engaged in the manufacture of Specialty Chemicals, Performance Polymers, and Advanced Intermediates and Performance Chemicals. The Company has 2 manufacturing facilities in India and the country Head Office is located in Thane, Maharashtra. Lanxess India Pvt. Ltd. is a Responsible Care Logo holding company since February 2015.

Safety is a core value at LANXESS and not just a function. The company guidelines mandates that safety is the responsibility of Board of Management and also workers at plants. LANXESS has implemented uniform safety standards for planning, building and operating plants; and it helps to systematically identify risks and potential hazards and safely eliminate them by implementing appropriate counter-measures.

A comprehensive and robust Process Safety Management System sets out exactly how employees should approach safety-relevant processes at production plants. Staff training and regular reviews ensure that these regulations are systematically implemented. To name a few, Process Safety right from the designing phase of the plants, the preparation of safety concept for the processes through detailed HAZOP studies, robust Management of Change process, active involvement of plant operators in the safety reviews and preparation of operating procedures, reporting of even drop-wise spillage incidents, zone classification studies, detailed consequence analysis studies, mechanical integrity systems, periodic reviews and audits.

LANXESS has directives on Process Safety and have dedicated resources for Process Safety Management at both global and country level. Irrespective of the location and country, LANXESS maintains the same HSE Group Directives and Standards at all of its manufacturing plants.

In the last 3 years, the company has recorded zero process safety incident and zero fatalities and zero Lost Time Injuries Frequency Rate.

In recognition of the above, Indian Chemical Council is please to confer the ICC CERTIFICATE OF MERIT for Best Compliant Company for PROCESS SAFETY CODE under Responsible Care for the year 2019 on LANXESS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED.


ICC Award 2019



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LANXESS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED, established in the year 2004, is engaged in the manufacture of Specialty Chemicals, Performance Polymers, and Advanced Intermediates and Performance Chemicals products. The Company has 2 manufacturing facilities and its country Head Office is located in Thane, Maharashtra. Lanxess India is a Responsible Care Logo holding company since February 2015.

LANXESS ensures that hazardous goods are always handled correctly and that includes the safe transportation of products. An efficient hazardous goods management system is implemented to prevent potential health risks and pollution prevention management worldwide.

LANXESS Global Dangerous Goods Management coordinates the implementation of international, regional and local hazardous goods transport regulations. The tasks include classifying marketable products, raw materials, samples and wastes according to the applicable regulations. Appropriate packaging, modes of transport and routes can then be selected based on these classifications.

Besides the actual transport logistics, the Transport Safety unit at LANXESS is also responsible for upstream and downstream processes. These include loading and unloading, filling and emptying, handling operations and load securing for hazardous and non-hazardous goods. Potential hazards in the process chain are systematically identified and minimized through appropriate precautions.

LANXESS is one of the founder members of Nicer Globe for implementing risk assessment measures and improving transport safety of the chemical industry. The company takes utmost care in maintaining safety across the distribution network including warehousing.

The unique initiative of LANXESS is a dedicated Transport Management Center – (manned by M/s Heubert Ebner - an Austrian-based expert in the field of transportation safety) at all manufacturing sites and tolling facilities, which enhances transport safety and driver trainings.

In recognition of the above, Indian Chemical Council is pleased to confer the ICC CERTIFICATE OF MERIT for Best compliant company for DISTRIBUTION CODE under Responsible Care for the year 2019 on LANXESS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED.


ICC Award 2019



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Excel Industries Ltd., established in the year 1941, is engaged in the manufacture of intermediates for Agrochemicals, Pharma, Specialty and Fine Chemicals. The company operates at 3 manufacturing locations with its Head Office based in Mumbai. Excel Industries is a Responsible Care Logo holding company since June 2013.

The product risk characteristics and product risk management are done through in-house R&D Facility at Excel. Life Cycle analysis of the products have been carried out periodically. Based on identified risk training, storage and transportation modules are prepared and communicated.

Green Chemistry principles have been introduced and successfully demonstrated; for example, recycle of raw materials from waste stream; yield and quality improvements through catalysts etc. The Company has prepared a Product Stewardship handout which features in a one page MSDS for display on shop floor, container cleaning and disposal area. This is apart from product label, full MSDS, TREMCARD etc.

Excel is continuously helping customers on how to safely handle products, repacking from large to small containers, designing packaging materials, shifting from drums to inherently safe tote bins etc. Coupon testing has been carried out with products to internally line ISO tankers and find the best packaging material compatible to products for safe handling and storage. Empty packaging materials are cleaned and chopped before dispose of, this insures safe handling the scrap materials at vender end.

In recognition of the above, Indian Chemical Council is pleased to confer the ICC CERTIFICATE OF MERIT for Best Compliant Company for PRODUCT SAFETY & STEWARDSHIP CODE under Responsible Care for the year 2019 on EXCEL INDUSTRIES LIMITED.


ICC Award 2019


(Management of Industry)

Conferred on

Former Managing Director,
TATA Chemicals Ltd & TATA Power Ltd


MR. PRASAD R. MENON is a Chemical Engineer from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. He has over 40 years of diverse experience in some of the premier multinational and Indian companies in the chemical and power industry.

In October 2000, Mr. Menon took over as the Managing Director of Tata Chemicals and led the company to become the largest inorganic chemicals company in India. In the following six years, he successfully completed the acquisition and integration of Bruner Mond (U.K.), Magadi Soda (Kenya) and IMACID (Morocco) resulting in Tata Chemicals becoming the second largest soda ash manufacturer in the world. He spearheaded the setting up of Innovation Center in Pune which has now transformed to a world class R&D Center in Nanotechnology and Biotechnology.

In October 2006, Mr. Menon took over as the Managing Director of Tata Power, the largest integrated private power utility in India. He has championed sustainability as a key strategic initiative in the organization.

Mr. Menon has served on the Board of several major Tata Group companies, and serves as Independent Director in several companies including Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, The Sanmar Group etc. He is an avid nature enthusiast and an ardent supporter for Sustainability practices.

He serves on Governing boards of Wildlife Trust of India and Center of Environment Education amongst many others who have benefitted from his insights and guidance.

In recognition of his outstanding managerial skills and contributions to the chemical industry, the Indian Chemical Council is pleased to confer the ICC D. M. TRIVEDI LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD FOR CONTRIBUTION TO INDIAN CHEMICAL INDUSTRY (Management of Industry) for the year 2019 on MR. PRASAD R. MENON, Former Managing Director, TATA Chemicals Limited & TATA Power Limited.


ICC Award 2019


(Education & Research)

Conferred on

Provost, Director and Trustee, Indrashil University, Ahmedabad
Former Director and Bhatnagar Fellow CSIR-IICT Hyderabad


DR. JHILLU SINGH YADAV, Provost, Director and Trustee, Indrashil University (former Bhatnagar Fellow & Director, CSIRIndian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad is one of most prolific and topmost organic chemists in India who has carried out extensive basic and applied research investigations for the synthesis of over 190 complex natural products of biological relevance. As the Director of IICT over a decade, he was recognized as an institute builder of international repute.

Dr. Yadav specializes in the state-of-the art asymmetric synthesis to create new chiral centres and has utilized them very effectively in the synthesis of activities of drugs and agrochemicals having self-defensive properties against rice-blast disease, hypersensitive metabolites, anticancer, antibiotics and antifungal agents in a highly innovative manner. He pioneered the alternative eco-friendly and environmentally safe pest control technologies in India through the application of insect pheromones. He has successfully developed cost effective technologies for drugs which have been well received by several Indian Industries like Diltiazem, Ketotifen, Mefloquin (Cadila Pharma), Ondasetron (Cipla), Pyrazinamide (SPIC Pharma), Tamoxifin (Cipla), Misoprostol, and Carboprost (AVRA Laboratories), etc.

His dynamic leadership could create and formulate many interdisciplinary programs at the Institute with the distinct aim to serve the nation. These have since established themselves as centers of excellence at the Institute. They include exploration of natural products/herbal products for health care, novel inputs for integrated pest management, advanced applications of chemical biology for therapeutics, state-of-the-art research and development facilities in the area of lipids and development of green processes technologies based on advanced catalysis.

The Web of Science has referred him as the best and organic chemist par excellence in India. More than 250 students have received their Ph.D degrees under his guidance, having more than 1250 scientific publications with 25000 citations. Dr. Yadav has the unique distinction of excelling in both basic and industrial research and received recognition accordingly. He is a fellow of all three science academies: INSA, NASI and IASc, and also The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS). He has received numerous national and international awards which include the prestigious, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize, Vigyan Gaurav Samman Award, Jawaharlal Nehru Science Award, Ranbaxy Award, VASVIK Award, Goyal Award, CSIR Technology Award, KIA Award (Iran-UNESCO).

The ICC has benefitted immensely by the varied contributions of Dr. J.S. Yadav to the Indian pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries through technology development and transfer, and as an academic leader and institute builder, and above all as a professional leader par excellence.

In recognition of his outstanding contributions, Indian Chemical Council is pleased to confer the ICC D. M. TRIVEDI LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD FOR CONTRIBUTION TO INDIAN CHEMICAL INDUSTRY (Education & Research) for the year 2019 on DR. JHILLU SINGH YADAV, Provost, Director and Trustee, Indrashil University, Ahmedabad, Former Director and Bhatnagar Fellow, CSIR-IICT Hyderabad.


ICC Award 2019


Conferred on

Chairman & Managing Director
Alkyl Amines Chemicals Ltd


SHRI YOGESH M. KOTHARI is an eminent Chemical Engineer, first generation entrepreneur and philanthropist who has made tremendous contributions to the Indian Chemical Industry over past 4 decades. He brought the Alkyl Amines Chemicals Ltd to a great position by his foresight, leadership, dedication and impeccable knowledge of both chemical engineering and business. Shri Kothari has made equally valuable contributions to build the image of the Indian Chemical Council in various capacities over the years, and particularly as the President during 2012-2014. He currently is a Member of the Executive Committee of ICC and serves on the Board of Directors of the Indian Merchants' Chamber (IMC).

After earning his B. Chem. Eng. in 1971 from the UDCT, University of Bombay (now Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai), Shri Kothari obtained M.S. in Chemical Engineering and also studied M.S. in Management Science from the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA. After completing his education, he worked for a year with UHDE Gmbh, Germany before returning to India and was with the Engineering Consultancy Firm – ICB India, followed by D. S. Purbhoodas & Co., Stock Brokers, and DSP Merrill Lynch Ltd., for a few years.

Due to his innate qualities Shri Kothari founded Alkyl Amines Chemicals Ltd in 1978 which has now grown to over Rs.900 Cr, manufacturing amines and intermediates, with 2 sites in Maharashtra and 1 site in Dahej as well R&D at Hadapsar, Pune. Because of his leadership, Alkyl Amines Chemicals Ltd along with a partner took over Diamines & Chemicals Ltd, the manufacturer of ethylene amines and piperazine at Vadodara.

He was awarded the prestigious Lalit Doshi Memorial Award in 1998 being the promoter of SICOM assisted company for the year 1996-97 in Chemicals and Plastics set up by a first-generation entrepreneur. He was conferred the Distinguished Alumnus Award by the ICT Mumbai in 2007 for his contributions to the Chemical Industry in India as well as he served on the Board of Governors of ICT and was the President of the UDCT Alumni Association.

During his student days he was the Captain of the UDCT Cricket Team which was highly successful in intercollegiate tournaments. Besides being a highly successful entrepreneur, Shri Kothari is a compassionate philanthropist.

The ICC has benefitted immensely as an organization through contributions of Shri Yogesh M. Kothari as an industrialist of high standing and professional leader par excellence.

In recognition of his outstanding contributions, Indian Chemical Council is pleased to confer the ICC LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD for the year 2019 on SHRI YOGESH M. KOTHARI, Chairman & Managing Director, Alkyl Amines Chemicals Limited.


ICC Award 2019


Conferred on



DOW CHEMICAL INTERNATIONAL PVT. LTD., popularly called Dow India, is one of the major players in the country as far as manufacturing and supply of specialty chemicals are concerned.

Dow India is a Responsible Care Committed Company and is also a Responsible Care Logo holder. Dow is one of the founder members of Nicer Globe Platform of ICC and its team has been at the fore-front of implementing Nicer Globe Initiative.

The company has shown its commitment on transportation safety and ensured most of the trips are captured, monitored and reviewed through Nicer Globe platform during the year 2019, e.g.:

Sr. No. Parameter Count
1 Distance Travelled by All Transporters ( Top 6 LSP's ) 6,78,685 Kms
2 Total Number of Trips Defined on System 1026
3 Total Number of Trips Completed on System 3599
4 Total Number of Vehicles Used ( Non-Market Vehicles, 6 LSP's ) 375
5 Total Number of Gate Checks Completed ( Non-Market Vehicles, 8 LSP's ) 3701
6 Total Number of Vehicles Rejected on System 128

In recognition of this exemplary performance, Indian Chemical Council is pleased to confer the ICC AWARD FOR THE BEST NICER GLOBE USER COMPANY for the year 2019 on DOW CHEMICAL INTERNATIONAL PVT. LTD.


ICC Award 2019


Conferred on



GCB ENTERPRISES (Gummanuru Chinna Basappa) popularly known as GCB Transporters, is one of the major carriers and has been actively involved in the Transportation of Chemicals.

GCB Enterprises joined Nicer Globe in the year 2019-20. GCB is providing their Services pan India and is based at Bellari, Karnataka.

GCB provides vehicles in all categories viz. Tankers, ISO-Tanks, Trucks, Containers, etc.

The company has ensured maximum vehicles are GPS-compliant and mapped to Nicer Globe System.

GCB Enterpirses mostly provides its Services to Nicer Globe Member-Company Epsilon Carbon India Private Ltd.

Sr. No. Parameter Count
1 Distance Travelled for All Trips 1,72,203 Kms.
2 Total Number of Trips Completed on System 230
3 Total Number of Vehicles Used 33

In recognition of the exemplary association with Nicer Globe, Indian Chemical Council is pleased to confer the ICC AWARD FOR THE BEST LOGISTICS PROVIDER UNDER NICER GLOBE for the year 2019 on GCB ENTERPRISES, Bellari, Karnataka.